And COG is?...
(excerpted/adapted from a letter from rufus, with additions by kathryn)

COG is the LRY outgrowth since 1978 of older LRYers who still want the community and the conferences, and we still have both. so far, most of this activity happens on the east coast.

memorial day COG this year was at my 72 acre paradise in the mountains of virginia with a private lake, which I got with the idea of creating a year round drop in conference style setting. I can tell you more about that later. Labor day weekend is a COG conference in massachussetts. COG can use some growth westward. I will put you on the cog mailing list if you want me too, and anybody else that wants to be on it. many LRYers in the seattle/portland area, but as with LRY through history, the middle part of the country has sparse activity.

at my home in Virginia, I am trying my best to create an envoirnment here which makes it worth the visit, although I am in the beginning stages of construction that will take years. it is mostly a camping experience, although I am living in a nice house fifteen miles from the quarry (my paradise).

please feel free to correspond any time, it is more than welcome. let me know if you are interested in being on the cog (community of growth) mailing list, and any other people, even if they are not LRYers but are the kind of people that you would enjoy at a conference. I am still in touch with hundreds of LRY folks.


"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." Anais Nin

My experience of COG is as an outgrowth of SRL, that picked up LRYers and their friends as the years rolled by. Many of the core people have come in since the LRY days.

As I recall, Terry Franklin started the mailing list in the eighties, from SRL and LRY contacts, including lists we had at the LRY office. (That's how I first met Terry, actually -- he would come in to gather names from our files.) Then the people in the Polyphemus household in Amherst maintained the extensive COG Data Central list for years, with addresses of many LRYers from the '60's through the '80's. Most of these contacts were present and former east coast alumns.

The conferences tended to be small in the years when I attended (early to mid-eighties). But since it's been awhile, I don't know how large they are these days.

We would love to have updates from current conferees. Watch this space for more info.


There's now a COG message board and listserve:

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