Hi friends,
For anyone interested in the People Soup
I currently have only the originals from the printing of
the xeroxed, bound editions I made a couple of years ago. The set includes
complete copies of every issue and I can make copies of it for a reasonable fee
for anyone who might want it. Just e-mail me directly if you're
If there is sufficient interest I can do a second
printing. Although the price would have to be a little higher this time to
cover costs, it would ultimately cost less than the current option of making
only individual copies. My long-range goal is to get them all put on CD-ROM and
also do a more extensive index with cross references to names and major topics
contained within (although that may be a few years off).
If you are primarily interested in getting copies of
just particular issues or years, feel free to let me know what ones you want
and I can also send them out at nominal cost, given a little time.
For those who already
have the complete set: In May I discovered an error and omission in the
original People Soup collection I put together three years ago.
The Vol. 7, No. 1 issue from Oct. 1979* is incorrectly
indexed and reproduced as 16 pages. It is actually 32 pages, which brings the
total number of pages in the set to an even 700. I discovered the missing pages
at my print shop totally by accident. I'll be happy to send you the additional
16 pages for free if you'll e-mail
me your current mailing address.
This is the general index to the complete
Published by Liberal Religious Youth,
An affiliate organization of the
Unitarian Universalist Association, Boston, Mass.
Years of Publication:
Total issues: 45
Total pages: 700
VOLUME 1 1973-74
- Volume 1, Number 1 (People Soup, that's a funny
name) Nov.-Dec., 1973; 8 pages
- Volume 1, Number 2 (Board Follies) January, 1974; 8
- Volume 1, Number 3 (Gee, A -- General Assembly)
February, 1974; 12 pages
- Volume 1, Number 4 (Fieldtripper's Journal) March,
1974; 8 pages
- Volume 1, Number 5 (I Can't Relate Unless You
Affiliate) April, 1974; 12 pages
- Volume 1, Number 6 (Power of You to Change Society)
Undated;12 pages
- Volume 1, Number 7 (Youth Caucus/GA Chronicles)
July, 1974; 8 pages
VOLUME 2 1974-75
- Volume 2, Number 1 (Gay Rap/"Beach" artwork)
Undated; 12 pages
- Volume 2, Number 2 (Its The Amerikanadian Way)
December, 1974; 12 pages
- Volume 2, Number 3 (How to Do It/Racism in Boston)
February, 1975; 12 pages
- Volume 2, Number 4 (Summer Camps/J.C. mumbles...)
April, 1975; 16 pages
- Volume 2, Number 5 (Poetic License) May, 1975; 16
- Volume 2, Number 6 (First "Cream of People Soup")
August, 1975; 24 pages
VOLUME 3 1975-76
- Volume 3, Number 1 (A Canuck and a Yankee) Autumn,
1975; 12 pages
- Volume 3, Number 2 (Let the Flame Spread) December,
1975; 12 pages
- Volume 3, Number 3 (La Creme de People Soup)
February, 1976; 24 pages
- Volume 3, Number 4 (Ingredients:) March, 1976; 12
- Volume 3, Number 5 (Chalice artwork) April, 1976; 16
- Volume 3, Number 6 (Life at Boston City Hall) June,
1976; 12 pages
- Volume 3, Number 7 (Cream of People Soup/Rattell
artwork) July, 1976; 24 pages
VOLUME 4 1976-77
- Volume 4, Number 1 (Michigan & Mediocrity)
Undated; 12 pages
- Volume 4, Number 2 (Youth: Legal Nonentities)
November, 1976; 8 pages
- Volume 4, Number 3 ("Cream" issue on sexuality)
February, 1977; 20 pages
- Volume 4, Number 4 (Capsule History of UU Youth)
April, 1977; 12 pages
- Volume 4, Number 5 ("Cream" issue on Social Actions)
Undated; 32 pages
VOLUME 5 1977-78
- Volume 5, Number 1 (How Mass Media Distort the News)
November, 1977; 20 pages
- Volume 5, Number 2 (Abortion) December, 1977; 12
- Volume 5, Number 3 (Spirituality) February, 1978; 16
- Volume 5, Number 4 ("Cream" issue/Bombs Away) April,
1978; 20 pages
- Volume 5, Number 5 (Summer/Self Determination) July,
1978; 20 pages
VOLUME 6 1978-79
- Volume 6, Number 1 (Kaleidoscope/Business Res.
Youth) October, 1978; 12 pages
- Volume 6, Number 2 (Environment/Greenpeace) January,
1979; 12 pages
- Volume 6, Number 3 (Communities/Twin Oaks) March,
1979; 16 pages
- Volume 6, Number 4 (Alternative Education) May,
1979; 16 pages
- Volume 6, Number 5 (Dialogue on Peace) July, 1979;
20 pages
VOLUME 7 1979-80
- Volume 7, Number 1 (Int'l
Year of the Child) October, 1979; 32 pages*
- Volume 7, Number 2 (Conformity) January, 1980; 12
- Volume 7, Number 3 (L. Talbot bowl artwork) March,
1980; 12 pages
- Volume 7, Number 4 (Youth Groups) July 1980; 12
VOLUME 8 1980-81
- Volume 8, Number 1 (Celebration of Life) November,
1980: 12 pages
- Volume 8, Number 2 (Social Actions) April, 1981; 24
- Volume 8, Number 3 (Reflections) July, 1981; 12
VOLUME 9/10 1981-82
- Volume 9, Number 1 (Church) December, 1981; 12 pages
- Volume 10, Number 1 (Moving Into the Real World)
Undated 1982; 16 pages
- Volume 10, Number 2 (Creme de la Creme/Final Issue)
July, 1982; 36 pages
Ed Inman

Copyright on all contributions belongs to the individual
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