LRY listings
updates and contact info for former
(taken from the housebook)
Chapter Two
October 1999 - November 1999
Record 84 Name: Chantal Sager Reilly Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: California Time: 1999-12-01 18:01:57 Comments: I belonged to the Ohio Valley Federation of LRY from 1963 until 1967. Would love to know what happened to old friends from Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. |
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Record 83 Name: Susan McCoy Referred by: Net Search From: Huntsville,AL;RockIsland,IL;Miami,FL;Gainesville,FL Time: 1999-12-01 15:49:25 Comments: Ha, ha, and the funny part is now we are all OLD!! Yes, I still have my purple and blue LRY button, and other memorabilia. And I have lots of incriminating photos that prob. should get scanned, and posted, from Froggiemore and Nashville conferences of yore. Hmm, what else can be said that hasn't already been eloquently posted here? It's beautiful that we all hold our LRY memories so fondly, and for the most part we still keep in touch with the fragmented LRYers scattered globally. Inside our hearts, it's still our LRY family, and no one can take that away. I would love to hear from you rascally critnors! Keep on truckin'! |
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Record 82 Name: Chris Wise Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-01 04:12:18 Comments: I was in LRY/YRUU 1981-1987, and I've been going to Star Island for some reason or another every year since then. You can find me there this year from June 16-19, as I'll be running the "Young Adults" conference. It should be a good time; drop me a line if you'd like more info about it. All are welcome, age range is 20s-30s. It sure is great to see so many old friends. |
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Record 81 Name: Anna Hurwitz Referred by: From a Friend From: Seattle, via the east coast Time: 1999-11-29 22:17:24 Comments: This is so weird. I'm sitting at work when I get this email from my good friend Amy Shapiro (who I didn't know then, but apparently some of you did) about how LRY just found her. I can't tell you how strange it feels to see names I haven't thought of in years (Warren Senders--you don't know it, but you influenced me to be a dj while I was in college). I was never an active LRYer; only went to a coupla conferences. But I was seriously involved in Rowe Camp during the summers of '76, '77 and '78 (and much later in 84). I haven't kept in touch with anyone from then, but I often think about people from that time period. I loved the photos. I forgot how much hair we all had! I'll post mine as soon as I get them from storage. Wondering about so many people: Ted and Emily Altenburg, Eileen Swike, the Heralds, Missy, etc. etc. In the past 20 years I went to an alternative college in Maine, moved to Williamsburg, Brooklyn and became an artist/curator/producer in the alternative art scene, did graphic design production for five years at the Wall Street Journal and finally made my escape from the east coast last year. I'm currently in Seattle going to Culinary School, hanging out with my sisters and my new nephew, and producing a little alternative art 'zine. Write to me. xxx |
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Record 80 Name: Paula Underwood Winters Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Nashville, TN Time: 1999-11-29 19:24:59 Comments: I was a member from 1969 to 1971 in Nashville. We're planning a 2000 reunion in June and Amy Kurland, Susie Schoggen Logan and the rest of us would love to hear from anyone who remembers the Nashville group. we're also trying to come up with a timeline on conferences. Our memories are a little hazy...can't imagine why. feel free to write to me. |
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Record 79 Name: Jill Wallace Referred by: Net Search From: massachusetts, now maine Time: 1999-11-28 20:33:02 Comments: Ithaca Continental 1967?? Midwinter at Goddard College. Star Island. Wellesley, MA UU church; I was just back there for a friend's mother's memorial service. It's all been redone, of course, and our youth room is now elegant instead of rainbows in the woodwork over the fireplace. I'd love to hook up with anyone who remembers those times, John Ertha, the Doolittles, my fellow conference committee members who i'm afraid i cannot remember names of (i hope it's just menopause and all will come back to me when the hormones even out). Doug is in British Columbia fixing cars and hang gliding, only moved off the commune in the past ten years. Shelagh is in Portsmouth NH with over twenty years in the coporate computer world; Meredi died in 1975 or 76, a brain tumor. I'm still being a radical, working for social change and wondering if anyone learned anything over the past thirty years! write me. i'm new to email and websites but learning. |
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Name: Gretchen Jones Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Kansas City, MO Time: 1999-11-27 02:03:29 Comments: LRY in MVF/Friends Federation 1974-1980. Participated in Boards from 1977-1980. Taco 1979-1980. LRY was the first place I was ever able to make friends (the kind that don't chase you home from school to beat you up). The friends I made in LRY are my best ones to this day. |
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Record 77 Name: t Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-24 04:15:56 Comments: Private!!! -Click to View- |
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Record 76 Name: Michael Kates Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-24 02:24:38 Comments: Hiya - I had promised to post a link to the Homestead web site if such an animal was created. Well, here it is! Gordon Grip made it here?? Hot damn! Hey, remember the Andrew Lloyd Weber version of "Batman?" |
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Record 75 Name: Bill Gillespie Referred by: Yahoo! From: I call it THE MOMENT-Others call it Cleveland, Ohio Time: 1999-11-23 03:31:11 Comments: Remember LRY days of 70's. The movement lived and it was a great time to be alive. Former NJ Monmouth Unitarian. Still attend Eastshore UU church in NE Ohio. Hello, to any Monmouth LRY folks. |
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Record 74 Name: gordon grip Referred by: From a Friend From: nyc then, denver now Time: 1999-11-23 01:49:40 Comments: Jeez!! Names I remember. Got the word about this place from M. Kates, through Billy. Thank you Mike!. Although I remember more about Homestead than LRY, the crossover makes it worth the effort. I'm in Denver now, married 13+ years, playing drums in local bands, having the time of my life! Hope you all are, too. And you know who you are. I hope some of you will write soon-- I love this e-mail stuff! |
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Record 73 Name: Peter Diana Referred by: From a Friend From: Phil., Pa. Time: 1999-11-22 19:41:59 Comments: I'm more of a old homesteader vs.a LRY person of history. Today, I'm a chiropractor practicing in NJ. In some respects helping other people thru chiropractic is an extension of my homestead /Lry experience. Everybody has a story to tell and energy to share. For me, it's a privilege to serve and help other people. I have fond memories of Homestead youth camp and lry conferences. In looking back, I see positive influences and growing experiences that helped to shape me for the future. Much love, Peter Diana |
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Record 72 Name: Bill Kates Referred by: From a Friend From: I grew up in Eastchester; just North of the City. Now in NYC; Brooklyn, to be exact. Time: 1999-11-21 07:20:33 Comments: Hail to old friends! Huzzah! Drop us a line! Yow! Hey! Its YOU! I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!! I hated High School. LRY totally became my path, my bliss, my family. This is the High School reunion I REALLY wanted. Hello and Love and Health and Happiness to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply: I know, when my high school reunions started coming around, I realized it was my LRY friends with whom I really wanted to re-connect. I guess that's one of the things that got me thinking about doing this site. That, and Ed Inman archiving Soup, and all those dreams I started having (but that's a tale for another time...) - k |
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Record 71a Name: Todd Murphy (aka "Morton") Website: From: I was in LRY out of Boston, and I'm in San Francisco now. Time: 20-Nov-99 21:26:23 Comments: Hello, this is morton, the once-obnoxious, once-communist I'm a bit identified with the work I do now; perhaps its that I really like it. I'm a brain scientist studying the neurology of spiritual and mystic experiences. I work without funding, and that keeps me asking myself if this is really my priority, and the answer keeps coming back "sure, whadja expect, huh?" I'm pretty good at it, and I have some papers in press to show for the effort. I'm mostly into death & dying stuff (near-death Experiences), meditation, altered states of consciousness, and so forth. No more chemicals for me. In my middle-age, I've come to prefer re-arranging reality longhand. I have a six year old daughter who simply gleams out her childlike energy. That's cool. I know as much about Pokemon as any adult I know. The sixyear old influence is welcome for me. Since LRY, I've lived in three different countries (India, Thailand and The Netherlands). I've been married and divorced, and been through several gurus. I'm altogether finished with anything political. My life is mostly about spirituality, and I have done some "working with people". Politics is too outward to suit me well now. Perhaps that will change. I miss LRY at times, but I sure wouldn't want to be 17 again. 30 might be nice, though ...... I wish you all well. Todd Murphy (morton) |
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Name: Michael Kates Referred by: From a Friend From: NY & NJ Time: 1999-11-20 17:03:05 Comments: Nice to see someone maintaining a site devoted to LRY. I was actively involved from 1968 - 1972 or thereabouts. I still popped in once in a while after that, but only long enough to feel out-of-touch and alienated. Some of my fondest memories and closest relationships were forged there and at Homestead Camp. It would be wonderful to find others with whom I've lost touch. Jay ten Hove asked if anyone had set up a Homestead web site - I dunno, Jay, but if I find one I'll post a link here. Hello everybody! Peace and good health to you all! |
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Record 70 Name: Steve Hinrichs Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Manhattan, Ks. Time: 1999-11-17 01:44:35 Comments: resided in manhattan (Ks) most all my life though associated very closely with the kansas city clan and still do as often as possible. Was a member of missouri valley aka friends federation from aprox. 1973-78, attended some con-cons in highlands n.c. and texas in the latter part of that era and was rumored to have slept through a few boards around then, too. i am who i am because of lry, and i really dont mind who i am so i guess i have all of you to thank. love to hear from you!! |
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Record 69 Name: Nancy Day Website: Nancy Day, Children's Book Author Referred by: From a Friend From: Kensington, MD (then), Long Island (now) Time: 1999-11-15 16:03:37 Comments: I attended Cedar Lane LRY, Cedar Lane coffeehouse, Homestead, Triangle--late 60s. I have lots of memories. People I remember include Cindy Myers, Meri Myers, Stanley Hill, Leslie Backus, John C. Scott, Carla Gargagliano, Ginger Ruckus, Suzy Creamcheese, Captain Kaopectate, Dave Frizzell, Goo, John White, and lots more. Fun times. |
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Record 68 Name: john durham Referred by: Yahoo! From: atlanta originally Time: 1999-11-15 03:01:30 Comments: Was delighted to see enrty from Nina West; hope you will Email me at; yes I have two dogs with me who have been my best friends and closest companions for a while. Would like to chat with you (nina) or any one else from LSD, or the old tri-fed or from Frogmore days -- whatever happened tp all of you? |
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Record 67 Name: Lisa Feldstein Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: San Francisco via Boston via NYC Time: 1999-11-14 19:46:32 Comments: Thanks for doing this, Kathryn. |
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Record 66 Name: Mark P. Hoornstra Referred by: From a Friend From: (then) Cleveland, (now) New York Time: 1999-11-09 18:00:21 Comments: What a pleasure to be reminded of my profligate youth! LRY was my sphere of significant others as I came of age in the late 60's. I was the president of GOD(Greater Ohio District) in, was it 1968? Since then, whither have I wandered? My favorite cartoon shows two men looking at a mirror and looking, as it were, through the looking glass at each other. One has long hair, beads, a fringed jacket and is looking with shock at himself in the mirror: in the mirror is an equally surprized but older man in a three piece suit, gray hair,with an attache and gold watch. They are, of course, looking at themselves through the glass. I look back at my beads and fringe with fondness and nostalgia, I like the person I was then. I think the beaded and fringed young man looks with more surprize than his elder self does, but I think he also looks with pleasant anticipation and satisfaction at some dreams realized and goals achieved. |
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Record 65 Name: Susie Schoggen Logan Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Nashville, TN Lower southern District Time: 1999-11-08 02:34:25 Comments: I recognize a few names from our reunion list - Nina, Ed Fuqua. The Nashville LRY group from the late 60s early 70s are planning a reunion. We have had a great time looking for all you people, but we have not found everyone. If you were there we would like to hear from you. We are also trying to piece together the chronology of conferences during that time. If anyone can help us with that we would appreciate it. Has anyone had a reunion? do you have any advice for us? |
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Record 64 Name: Daniel Eaton Pentlarge Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Somerville, MA Time: 1999-11-05 05:03:41 Comments: When I was about 14, and everyone knew me as "Danny," my older and wiser sisters led me into the ways of LRY in about 1972, and I moved on again in 1976 when I went off to college. I was active in Central Mass Fed, NERO, and Continental conferences, boards, and such like. In addition to the leadership training, inculcation of the democratic process, general and specific personal growth work I experienced in LRY, what was perhaps in the long run most important for me was the tolerance and acceptance of variant and experimental sexuality. I did my share of experimenting, and found a few actual openly gay role models, which made my own coming out in college much easier than I imagine it would have been otherwise. Star Island had particular staying power for me, I suppose because there was a way to keep going back and growing there. I went on to work there for five summers, joined the corporation, went back later as student-minister-of-the-week to the YRUU conference twice, and also as dean of the religious education conference (hard to believe, that last.) Nowadays, having finished divinity school and married my div school sweetheart; a guy named Graham (so help me) Christian (a Jew, natch), and recently having been refused fellowship with the UUA, I am working on sorting out what happens next for me. Here in Somerville, I live about half way between Andrea Zax and Scott Rasmussen, and about a mile from Adam Auster. I see Rachael Stark (originally from Hyde Park, in Chicago) at church at First Parish in Arlington every Sunday, as well as aged parents of several other old LRYers who grew up in Arlington. It's nice to be connected, now and through time. I'm glad to reconnect here, too. Thanks for doing this. |
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Record 63 Name: Chelsea Website: Sun Blue Referred by: Yahoo! From: New Haven, CT Time: 1999-11-03 20:40:27 Comments: Well =) I'm an 18yrold UU from New Haven, CT. I'm involved in probably the only LRY youth group in existance..who knows..maybe some others are lurking. We've been talking about changing to YRUU because technically LRY doesn't exist but I guess some people are attached to the LRY name and history (like me!) Wonderful page with lotsa info!! Peace, Chel Reply: Hey Chelsea, check out this link: The Emerson LRY Page. It's a page by a present-day LRY local. They're in Texas, but with e-mail and the web, you may be able to find some good people and info. Good Luck, --kathryn |
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Record 62 Name: Jay ten Hove Referred by: From a Friend From: N.J., then Boston Time: 1999-11-02 19:41:12 Comments: well, its hard to sum up all that LRY has ment to me. i think the road less traveled started in 1972 when, at the age of 12 i spent my first summer at Homestead, following in the footsteps of my beloved brother and sister. i began going to LRY conferences up and down the east coast shortly after that. helped organize quite a few, and two or three early COG conferences as well. i was sadly present, (and representing Barney) at the 1980 con-con where it became unavoidable that we were having the rug pulled out from under us. got so disillusioned that i gave up trying to stop the chain of events that led to YRUU, and instead rejoiced in the freedom of COG (plus i was pushing the LRYage limit anyway). for many years now i have devoted myself to music, in the form of live sound engineering, and traveled to many far off places with many far out bands. i am doing what i love, and living within the music. but, as a result, i regret that i haven't been to a COG conf in about 10 years. this online deal that Kathryn and Paul have started is an outta site blessing! thanks so much! p.s. does anyone out there know if there are any Homestead community (a UU sumer camp in NY state) alumni web sites? |
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61 Name: Bob Hill Referred by: Net Search From: Pacific Southwest LRY (LA) Time: 1999-10-31 06:30:29 Comments: ATTENTION - PSLRY Reunion - August, 2000 Hi - I was an LRY'er in Los Angeles in the late sixties, where I found a simpatico peer group that helped me down the left hand path of the great highway of life. A colorful highway it's been, partners. I went to a bunch of local PSLRY conferences, as well as by chance attending two national conferences, one at a small college in Minnesota in about '64 and another in my home turf in So Cal in '65 at de benny (see below). I am now living incognito rehabilitated for better or worse as a bureacrat with small children in late middle age, living once again in a suburb of LA. For some obscure reason probably having to do with precocious senility, a fresh divorce, and the ability of the web to put me in touch with people I haven't seen in twenty years, and with the urging of Louise Thompson, Davey Haut, Charley Snellgrove, Billy Macdonald, Chris Harrot, Rod Brooks, and other reprobate friends from long ago, I'm launching a reunion. I'm actually plunking down deposit money for a Conference at De Benneville Pines, Tues thru Thurs August 29-31, 2000. This is the very site of many high strung weeks of enchantment during our collective wasted youth. Anyone interested in attending, please email me. I'll be setting up a web site soon, just as soon as I break a leg so I have time to learn html. I'm pleased to see this e-group pop up at such an opportune moment, and kind of fascinated that we are all reflecting on that period of our lives - I notice a similar thread to people's experiences from around the country. I don't believe I've had so much fun (or suffered so greatly) since. However, they assure me that the best is yet to come, which I find very hard to believe. |
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Record 60 Name: Andrea Zax Referred by: From a Friend From: Somerville MA Time: 1999-10-29 02:05:37 Comments: Hi, My lry days were 73 to75? something like that. Presently I'm designing costumes for theater etc. and I'm a Mom to a 12 year old daughter which is great. well e-me if you know me!!AZ |
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Record 59 Name: John C. Scott Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Cedar Lane, GWAF, MARC, Continental, Homestead, the Cosmos Time: 1999-10-29 00:55:06 Comments: Just checking in to say hi |
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Record 58 Name: Nina West Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Atlanta Time: 1999-10-28 22:07:36 Comments: Well I just thought I'd check in and I see that there is a comment from Bill Behrends about Rupert and Con-Con. Your name sounds familiar Bill, but you'll have to tell me more to help jog what seems to be a more and more unreliable memory. I most definitely remember being at that conference in Chapel Hill when Tricky Dick resigned. I wandered around outside thinking what a strange thing it was to have a president resign. And I have been down to Frogmore within the last several years. The town doesn't exist anymore tis true but the place remains. In fact it remains largely unchanged. I assume you too have been there sometime in the recent past. |
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Record 57 Name: Carlene Gardner Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: New Hampshire (then), Montreal (now) Time: 1999-10-26 01:51:36 Comments: We often wonder if what we felt during LRY days was simply a part of being young, a phase to pass through. But the ties we made have kept us bonded even though many of us have had no news from old friends in aeons. As non-conformist youth, we were awed to meet and share with so many like-minded people who were all part of the same struggle to be an individual yet remain committed to the collective good. As adults, one realises that there are too few good people "out there" to afford the luxury of losing touch with our friends! Reading the words of fellow LRYers from the eastern seabord and elsewhere shows that LRY is a touchstone that remains sharply in focus in our lives today. Kudos to Kathryn for maintaining the housebook! Reply: Welcome to the conference, Carlene! I remember you as one of the saner presences in my world back then. You've articulated some of the exact same questions and realizations that have led me to do this site. Thanks for your presence, then and now. --k |
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Record 56 Name: Scott Rasmussen Website: Smadbeck Archives Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Somerville, MA Time: 1999-10-25 05:51:29 Comments: Howdy howdy. Jeez, look at all these people I haven't talked to in years! Some of them living right on my doorstep, so to speak. Hey Lid! Hi Warren! Hi Carol! I started out in Fountain Hill, PA LRY '72 or so, went to Rowe '72-'76, moved to Boston then, did COG for a bit. Drop me a line. |
Record 55 Name: John P. Buryiak Referred by: From a Friend From: NYC (Village Local) Time: 1999-10-23 06:24:50 Comments: W.H.O., U.D.L., 51st Airbourne, all those beautiful Pagan People, LRYRUU. Wow, and I mean that. I feel like I just entered a time warp (it's just a jump to the left...) Special note to Ms. Price, I remember that Summer's End '81 all too clearly. Reply: Hi John, Oh yes... that was a bizarre anti-conference... I think it set off repurcussions that are still being felt. Claudia wrote something funny about it on the e-list -- about being lost in the woods near Rowe, shivering around a tiny fire, trying to stay awake all night and not freeze to death. Oh my. -- an awake, but thankfully not freezing, --k |
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Record 54 Name: Jon Angel Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Rockville, MD Time: 1999-10-21 16:49:11 Comments: I didn't realize there was so much on the web now. Just Surfed On In isn't adequate-- my church newsletter mentioned the egroups list, and they have a link to here. I was a GWAFer Fall 1966 to Spring 1969, also involved with the region MARC and some continental stuff. I see a few folks I know, like Scott Stutzman and Molly Monahan... Hi guys! After an adventurous college period I prodigal-sonned back home and have stayed in Montg. Co. MD ever since. Photofinishing. Computers. River Road-ization as someone once put it. Now work for HHS/ US Public Health Service. hugs and best wishes, Jon Angel |
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Name: Arthur Brown (aka Aaron Brown) Website: Boston-NY Aids Ride Referred by: From a Friend From: Brooklyn, USA Time: 1999-10-20 07:04:33 Comments: Involvement: From 1975 until...? I look back with love at the warm and exciting times I spent in LRY. It was for me an accepting place to be me and create who I was to become. In many, many ways, the community I found here allowed me the support to make the positive, life-affirming choices as a teenager that I might otherwise not have made, and which, consequently, allowed me to save my life. Thank you L.R.Y. So... I've been married to Baba Holmes for 15 years. We have two beautiful daughters - aged 14 and 3. We live in Brooklyn. She's a lactation consultant and breastfeeding advocate. I'm a singer/songwriter/comedian and also a database programmer. I'm into long distance cycling having completed the Boston-NY Aids ride twice. I'm heading next August to Alaska for the 510 mile Ride for the Cure ( for more info). Finding a cure for Aids is a cause I'm quite dedicated to as my sister passed away from aids two years ago. I believe we will find it and find it soon. For me, LRY was a way of being more than a place, and as such we can create these ways of being here and now: acceptance, discovery, zest, listening... the list goes on. "How are you creating L.R.Y. in your life?" Thanks for creating this site. I'd love to hear from you. "This is the true joy in life - being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; being throughougly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy." -- George Bernard Shaw Reply: "How are you creating "L.R.Y." in your life?" is one of the best questions I've seen come out of this e-reunion, Aaron. I hope we can explore it, either here or on the e-list. I remember you well from COG conferences but have recently remembered -- Didn't you and I meet at a Hartford conference in fall of '80, singing old '50's rock and roll songs after almost everyone else had gone to sleep? --k |
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Record 52a
Name:Lisa Smyth (nee Martin)
Time: 16-Oct-99 15:40:28
Sb: LRY Memories
I am an ex-LRYer from TOAKtm circa 1972 to 1978. I met my husband Michel at June conference 1975 and married him in Dec. 1980. We both work for the Feds. Me at HUD and him at Labor. We have 2 kids, Christina age 15 (she would have had a blast at LRY) and Thomas age 8, 2 dogs and 1 geriatric cat. About 2 years ago, we moved from Ft. Worth, TX, via Columbia, MD to Fairfax, VA. The kids enjoy the local UU church. Thomas especially enjoyed the haunting house cirrocumuli last year.
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Record 52 Name: Bill Behrends Referred by: From a Friend From: was Raleigh, NC now Natick, MA Time: 1999-10-16 07:09:27 Comments: WOW ! There's really people out there! People I even know. People I don't know talking about people I do know. I got here from, check it out. Hello, Jule the Angel, I never knew you were from Summit. Nina, I think his name was Rupert Delvecchio. He played Goodnight Irene on acoustic guitar at Con-Con 74 in Chapel Hill, then 300 of us crowded around one tiny TV to watch Tricky Dick resign. I was in LRY SAM about 74-78 (Frogmore is gonna be no more if we don't stop before...) and COG in MA 83-86. Let me know if you remember me...Q. How can you tell when it's midnight at an LRY conference? A. Dinner is ready. |
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Record 51 Name: Tom Lewis Referred by: From a Friend From: Seattle/NJ/NY Time: 1999-10-14 19:16:16 Comments: Hellfire and brimstone! How the heck are you all? The past month or two has brought me back to so many LRY memories-- the joy, crazyfun, insight, and dancing freedom that seems to have escaped my life these days. I am in Seattle and want to hear from everyone who ever met me, for good or bad; there is a lot of memory to recover. Continental Conf 1976, lots of NE conferences 74-77?, a fateful mind expanding Cherry Hill gig or two, I can't remember them all. Croton? Riding XC to ConConf with Richard in the Purple Mail Truck. Hidey tidey christ awmighty, rah, rah... |
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Record 50 Name: Kevin Craig Website: Cancel your policy day - 1-1-2000 Referred by: From a Friend From: Phoenix UUA/LRY 1973-78ish Time: 1999-10-13 02:49:27 Comments: Where have all the flowers gone? Mine are mostly dead. |
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Record 49 Name: Earl Weitzman Website: Aspen Motorrad Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Flagstaff Time: 1999-10-12 00:56:15 Comments: GWAF 1969-72, MVUC. Did we start something or was it just the beginning of the end? |
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Record 48 Name: Jane Laura Doyle Referred by: From a Friend From: Hmmm.... Time: 1999-10-10 02:32:59 Comments: Did I do this before? 10/9/99 |
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Record 47 Name: Julé the Angel Referred by: From a Friend From: Summit, NJ now North Central MA Time: 1999-10-09 00:49:47 Comments: Hi folks, I was in LRY in 1976 - LRY's demise. After LRY, some LRYers formed Community of Growth, I still hang out with other COGs. COG had a 100th year of LRY conference. I am a Summit, NJ and Germantown, PA LRYer. I went to many workshops from Triangle to Summit, NJ to Arlington, MA. Go Barney!!! |
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Record 46 Name: Andy Steinberg Website: UMass Entomology Referred by: From a Friend From: Originally Boston MA, now Sunderland MA Time: 1999-10-08 20:57:37 Comments: I came into YRUU after LRY was gone. My first conference was Summer's End 1987, Camp Kingsmount, West Stockbridge MA. I was introduced to YRUU by Andy Hommel, Chip Olson, and Abdu Yilmaz. These days I attend COG every Labor Day weekend. |
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Record 45 Name: Colin Pringle Website: The Wild Bohemian Homepage Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Dallas Time: 1999-10-08 18:32:24 Comments: Got here from the LRY memorial page. |
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Record 44 Name: Peter Campbell (fka Wadsworth) Website: Krazy Kat - the Coconino County Homepage Referred by: From a Friend From: Currently, near San Francisco Time: 1999-10-08 04:52:59 Comments: Hi! Some of you might remember me as "Grasshopper" - I've been through a few name changes since. I was active in NERO LRY from 1970 to 1975, spending the last year of it virtually homeless while serving as a NERO Director and hopping from conference to conference. LRY was definitely a fundamental force in making me the person I am today, and I find myself constantly drawing on skills that I learned as a teenager while working as an Information Technology Director at a San Francisco law firm. I have a fair amount of confidence, and strong communication skills, and these were both things that were fostered in LRY. Without it, I doubt seriously that I would be as stable or happy as I am now. These days, a bigger challenge than my job is settling in with my wife Linda (we got married in July of 98) and raising our four month old son Ethan. I can only hope that there is an equivalent to LRY when Ethan hits teenage years - we are raising him UU. I see some familiar names in here, that I haven't heard in decades. Like Glenn, I am still in touch with a number of the people that I was close with in the early 70's - many of them made it to my wedding, and I'm not so far from Seattle, where an LRY/Evergreen conclave community still thrives. Friendships from LRY have a way of maintaining themselves through out all sorts of dramatic life changes. I mentioned Ethan - the evening of the day that Linda and I wed, we had a barbecue, and Bob de Laubenfels - one of my oldest friends - stood next to me as we watched his five year old son, Reid, play in front of us. Bob, 42, as I was, told me "You know it's great having him. I only wish that I had the same energy that I had five years ago." Linda and I were pregnant three months later, and that comment had no small part in that result. I have been a leader in an anarchistic youth group; a punk rock musician; a BBS operator and email coordinator for another fairly wild international organization, and I have done nothing as powerful and life-defining as have this child. It's the best thing in my life, which has, so far, been full of good things. Anyway, greetings. I'll be checking back in here. I'm eager to hear how my other lost friends from the seventies have spent their lives since! Peter |
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Record 43a
Name: Kim Miller
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lawrence, KS. MVF
'69 - '75, now Wenatchee, WA
Time: 08-Oct-99
It's been a wild week so far...too busy...Checking the REACH-List for RE news
from DREs, MREs and others involved with RE around the country...The YRUU site
is mentioned frequently as a resource for youth group thought
I'd check it out tonight and 'ol Joseph Taco popped up on the screen! Now
there's a name I haven't heard in far too many years! I knew I was home
One of my daughters wears my MVF / LRY T shirt as a sleep shirt. I had it tucked away in a box for so many years. The colors are still quite bright and when I see her wearing it, (she's 10 now), I just swoon. Ah, those LRY years. Those times, those people, those travels...the adventures, love, support, the "wink" games, the all night dancing and talking and loving, the baking of bagels at 3:00AM for sleepy - smiling - kiss filled faces that greet you in the morning when the sun would finally come up... LRY !
New York GA, ' 72 ? - staying at the UU Church across the street from Central Park - Kansas girl meets the big city! I remember one night, several of us from the mid-west were SO hungry for an open view...we needed to see out, not just up! A guy that worked at the Americana, night shift, took us up this back stairway from the top floor to the roof so that we could see out and across!
Continental Conference in Chapel Hill, NC and in Kalamazoo, MI... I ended staying in MI to cook for another week at the Circle Pines camp for their Youth Institute. Traveled a bit and returned to MI to that camp as a resident cook - summer camp cook. I cut pine trees for a log cabin, helped with construction, lived in a tree house in the woods, gardened...met my husband there.
Ended up going to the CIA ( Culinary Institute of America) in NY and was a chef in MI and OR. Got married in my back yard by a retired UU minister in Ann Arbor, MI. Moved to OR, then TX, then WY, then NE, and now WA...attended UU churches & fellowships in all places. Have been DRE in Cheyenne, WY and Omaha, NE and now in Wenatchee, WA. And now I'm on a LRY, full circle !
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Record 43 Name: Laura Stewart Website: LRY members online reunion Referred by: Net Search From: GWAF - Fairfax, VA Time: 1999-10-05 13:36:21 Comments: Ah......LRY......I was doing research on Celtic based paganism and found LRY????????? Imbas. I was in LRY in the early 70s and last week I started an egroup aka LRY members online reunion. If you join the egroup you have four options. You can have each posting emailed to you, you can get a daily digest, a daily summary, or you can read the postings on the web. Hope to see you there. Conferences I attended include Triangle, Cherry Hill, Camp Rowe, Lodge,........... |
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one Sep.'98 - Sep.'99 |
two Oct.'99 - Nov.'99 |
three Dec.'99 - Mar.'00 |
four Apr.'00 - Aug.'00 |
five Aug.'00 - Present |
The above is a more permanent record of the entries in our guestworld guestbook (aka The Housebook). Some people have had trouble accessing the guestworld site, so I'll be regularly uploading the entries here, as well.
If you don't have a webpage yourself (or even if you do), but have jpeg or gif images you'd like to include with your comments, send them along and I'll post them here. To immediately add your thoughts, links, etc. to our housebook, go here. If you can't access that site, e-mail your comments to me and I'll upload your messages directly onto this page. To write a private message directly to one of the authors above, simply click on their underlined, blue name in the opening of their message.
If you don't know your e-mail address, but would like others to be able to contact you, click here. A box should pop up on your screen. Simply fill in what you want to say and paul or I will decipher it and help you figure out your e-mail issues.
Happy ranting, happy re-connecting, glad
to see you all.
Original format of housebook entries courtesy of
Copyright on all contributions belongs to the individual authors
maintained by kathryn price theatana for big electric celt productions
Updated 12.1.99
(World AIDS Day)