LRY listings
updates and contact info for former
(taken from the housebook)
Chapter Five
September 2000 - November 2000
Record 181 Name: Joe Thompson Website: Ferry Beach Campers / LRY Reunion Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: N. Kingstown, RI Time: 2000-10-27 14:42:47 Comments: (Please print out, post on church bulletin boards and distribute via newsletter or email, wide distribution requested:) FERRY BEACH CAMPERS & LRY
REUNION, AUG. 24-26, 2001 On a weekend late last August, two dozen ex-FB campers representing the 50's, 60's and 70's returned to Ferry Beach. They had originally attended Camps Seabreeze, Youth Lab, Discovery, Different Drummer--the UU "coming of age" camps--or had been active LRYers in their time. They returned to catch up with each other, and with Ferry Beach as it is today. We made a flexible agenda to reflect our own interests... lots of beach time, meal times, arts and crafts, jogging, playing guitars, an ecology walk, a friendship circle, staying up late, showing off old picture albums and scrapbooks, times for gathering in groups and times to contemplate. Results? That Ferry Beach spirit came back into our hearts... so for the THIRD year, we're doing it again. Former Ferry Beach campers and LRYers, mark August 24-26, 2001 on your calendar, and come BACK TO THE BEACH. Enjoy a weekend at 1970 prices. Arrive on Friday August 24th for dinner and stay until Sunday August 26 after lunch. Two nights' lodging and six meals, all for $135.00. Need more info? Or know the current location of other FB campers? We are keeping an email list and want you each to be included. For the "3rd annual" gathering, we are hoping to get some of the original staff back (and they WON'T be doing bed checks), like Scotty and Dorothy Meek, Gordon McKeeman, Keith Munson, Peter Scott, Bill and Barbara DeWolfe. Alice Harrison and Helen Gresty will be fondly remembered. We are also LOOKING for current location of: Gene Adams, Shirley Bartlett, Sally Bennett, Elaine Boucas, Lindsey & Sue Butler, Dick & JoAnne Carlson, Charles & John Chamberlain, Cindy Davies, Claire Devlin, Ronnie Gale, Mike Glure, Mike Goldsmith, Janice & JoAnne Joslin, Carol Kirshnit, Bob Loring, Debbie Martel, Crystal Noe, Ross Pywell, Gail Reynolds, Rocky Rothwell, Betsy Schwartz, Sue Shepard, Bruce Smith, Peter Softic, Marcia Stevens, Jim Tarason, and all the other campers/LRYers whose names are faded from the address list but still burning brightly in our memory. Charlie Boothby invites any handypersons to bring your favorite tools, and we'll have a few fixup projects for the got-to-keep-busy folks, which will be a big help to the Beach. Remember eating hot dogs, fries, cotton candy at Old Orchard Beach, gazing at the stars, getting up for cold leftover pizza breakfast?? Remember the daily Newsletters, the will & testaments, favorite expressions, pet peeves?? COME BACK (rings out the Quillen bell).. you are WANTED for the reunion. Bring your pictures, your memories, and let's play! XX/Co-directors: Heidi
Hertel-Therrien PS-- COMING SOON, SEE OUR FERRY BEACH CAMPERS REUNION SCRAPBOOK at Contact us at or by mail at 5 Morris Ave. Saco, ME 04072. Register online, or telephone your reservations to Nan at 207-284-8612. Reserve NOW (deposit check $30.) to get into the campers' reunion dormitory before all the beds are taken. HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY, FERRY BEACH |
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Record 180 Name: Bryce Walden Website: Oregon L5 Society Referred by: From a Friend From: Indianapolis / Lafayette IN; Portland OR Time: 2000-10-27 09:14:20 Comments: ...Here I was minding my own business and suddenly LRY showed up and pulled me back in. Was in LRY in Indianapolis IN 1966-67, SRL at Purdue U. 1967-69, Advisor to West Lafayette IN Fellowship LRY 1973-76. Moved to Portland OR and maintained contacts in CoG (Community of Growth) - "Willow Family" for awhile, including a conference in the N. California redwoods. Sorta faded away to old pictures and a file of "People Soup" in my library, until an email showed up from Liz Blakemore saying she'd found me through an LRY discussion group. . .oh my. I guess it really is LRY Forever! |
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Record 179 Name: Lynn Talbot Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: New York City Time: 2000-10-17 23:18:18 Comments: I posted some photos of old LRY-ers (what other kind are there?) from Missouri Valley Federation, circa 1975-1980, at -- check it out. Reply: Cool - Gretchen as Prom Queen, Animal grinning madly, and an astonishingly young Pucci, among others. Definitely check this out!-k |
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Record 178 Name: Vivian Ashcraft Referred by: Yahoo! From: Now Glenmont OH, then Cleveland Time: 2000-10-17 17:30:52 Comments: My parents were adult advisors - anyone remember Lee and Jean Ashcraft? So I was in the LRY from a pretty young age - lots of good memories. My older brothers were David and Michael Ashcraft. First GOD, then GODARFUL, then I moved and lost contact. My albuquerque church didn't have LRY. Love to hear from anyone who remembers the name Ashcraft, really from about 68 to 73. |
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Record 177 Name: Raymond Collings Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Augusta, Ga now Riverside, Ca Time: 2000-10-13 18:49:46 Comments: Hi Gang! What a surprise. I was surfing to see if I could find an old friend (Ed Fuqua), and came across this thing. I was in LRY during the late sixties and early seventies, in the Southeast. Yes, I was a frequently pilgrim to Frogmore, and still go everytime I visit that area. Nina, I agree... it never changes. I finally figured out what I wanted to do and am finishing up school in my old age, with a new family, and lots of excitment and adventure. I would love to hear from other Augusta LRY'ers (Mike, Pam, Michelle, Beth, Andy, Susan... you know who you are), and Margaret Frank or any of the Unitarian kids I grew up with. Take care all! Raymond Collings |
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Record 176 Name: Raymond Collings Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Augusta, ga now riverside Ca Time: 2000-10-13 17:53:12 Comments: Private Message (click to view) |
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Record 175 Name: susie kamins Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: southbay LRY 1965-68 redondo beach, california Time: 2000-10-07 06:30:07 Comments: had a great time at the pslry reunion at de benneville pines this summer (2000)...let's do it again! anyone from pslry please let us know you're out there!! love, susie (and remember: no blankets! no sleeping bags! and NO FUCKING! |
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Record 174 Name: Lia Cooper Atherton Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Summit, NJ then, Albuquerque NM now Time: 2000-10-02 19:32:27 Comments: I'm a brand new YRUU advisor getting ready to go to my first con as a grown-up! I never imagined doing this, but now it only seems right. I love New Mexico where I have lived for 10 years--I have two sons ages 8 and 11, and apart from doing the mom thing, mostly I write. I would love to hear from you. |
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Record 173 Name: Carolyn Hitzig Dahab Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Brightwaters, Long Island, New York Time: 2000-09-25 22:27:12 Comments: I went to Rowe Camp in the 60's and early 70's but went to my first LRY conference at Star Island in 1968. Due to a combination of unfortunate weather and unfortunate behavior, LRY week never happened again.* I went to conferences on Long Island (they called it LAF for L.I. Area Federation) for a couple of years and then lost interest. I think I was a bit too conservative (actually, sensible) for LRY. However, I am active in my UU church and have the fondest memories of those LRY days. My kids are tried and true UU's and my 15 year old son plans to go to the revamped conference at Star for YRUU week, a more controlled, calmer version of my week in 1968. Reply: *Actually, LRY Week on Star Island was still going strong when I attended in the early 80's. Maybe they just missed a year or two? Often youth were told LRY was dead on a district and continental level when, in fact, it was just their church that had decided to kick the LRYers out. I've heard testimonies of this happening at locals all across the country, from the 60's through the end in '82. -k |
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Record 172 Name: Pam Taylor Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Rockville, MD then, Hockessin, DE now Time: 2000-09-25 02:12:57 Comments: Wow! This is neat. I was a member of LRY in the late 60's and early 70's in the Washington, DC area. I attended many wild conferences and an overnight protesting the Vietnam war near the Lincoln Memorial with LRYers. I also attended a national weeklong camp held in the hills of Tennessee in the summer of 1970. Those were the days... I now have a daughter active in YRUU. Thank god it isn't what it was when I attended. I would love to hear from anyone who might recognize my name or was in the DC area LRY during that time. |
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Record 171 Name: Stephen Starkey Website: Continental Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Network Referred by: From a Friend From: Chicagoland, IL Time: 2000-09-22 05:15:23 Comments: Hey everyone, I was just checking the links out on, to make sure they didn't bounce. Thanks for posting your link!! This resource is important for those of us who don't know LRY and C*UUYAN history, or for those of us in C*UUYAN who'd like to relive some memories. Please feel free to submit an article or fifty on the C*UUYAN website and tell us about your experiences in LRY. If we don't have the right category, try "theology," or tell me to make a new one. I can be reached at Ciao!-Stephen. |
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Record 170 Name: Daniel J.Russo Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Bronx N.Y. now SFbayarea Time: 2000-09-16 18:15:28 Comments: I was involved in LRY from 1963 to 1968. Went to Homestead Camp for many years. Was a dishwasher there. My brother Andy was counselor until asked to leave. I attended Yonkers Unitarian until I denounced minister for not being suffiently militant. Currently Criminal Lawyer and Law school instructor, two kids in college. Just drove my son to University of Vermont to start school. |
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Record 169 Name: Leonard Muise Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Westboro, MA, now Portland, OR Time: 2000-09-15 19:37:55 Comments: I was involved with the Central Mass. LRY from 1968-72, attending many conferences and rallies, Star Island, Ferry Beach, and Continental Conferences at Fall Creek Falls, Tennesee in 1970 and Eisenhower College in New York in 1971. In the 28 years since I've lived all over this country, in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, Phoenix, San Diego, and now Portland. I guess there's still a bit of a hippie in me, I still have that wanderlust. My sister Carolyn urged me into LRY, and I'm glad she did; it made me a better person. If only High School could have been a little more like LRY! |
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Record 168 Name: J. Hughes Website: Changesurfer Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Columbus, Ohio Time: 2000-09-12 15:51:17 Comments: I was involved in LRY in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, from 1975-1979. It was a shaping experience for the rest of my life. I've had a hard time taking anything in the bourgsie work-aday world seriously since, and that's not just because of the acid. My only regret was that I didn't work harder as an LRY activist. To all my old lovers and friends - drop me a line! Also drifted away from the UUA after LRY was disbanded, although college, radical politics, and my Buddhist pilgrimage were more important reasons than resentment. Now I've drifted back into the UUA here in Connecticut, and am looking forward to passing on all those warm fuzzies to the next generation we're raising in our congregation, including my two kids. |
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Record 167 Name: David Wolf Referred by: Net Search From: Tulsa Okla now in Claremore OK Time: 2000-09-10 04:17:57 Comments: I am happy to see a couple of the Toak tm family on the list. I am not sure why I did not search the web for LRY sooner. It makes me want to see everyone again and relive some of the best times of my life with the best people I have known. |
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one Sep.'98 - Sep.'99 |
two Oct.'99 - Nov.'99 |
three Dec.'99 - Mar.'00 |
four Apr.'00 - Aug.'00 |
five Aug.'00 - Present |
The above is a more permanent record of the entries in our guestworld guestbook (aka The Housebook). Some people have had trouble accessing the guestworld site, so I'll be regularly uploading the entries here, as well.
If you don't have a webpage yourself (or even if you do), but have jpeg or gif images you'd like to include with your comments, send them along and I'll post them here. To immediately add your thoughts, links, etc. to our housebook, go here. If you can't access that site, e-mail your comments to me and I'll upload your messages directly onto this page. To write a private message directly to one of the authors above, simply click on their underlined, blue name in the opening of their message.
If you don't know your e-mail address, but would like others to be able to contact you, click here. A box should pop up on your screen. Simply fill in what you want to say and paul or I will decipher it and help you figure out your e-mail issues.
Happy ranting, happy re-connecting, glad
to see you all.
Original format of housebook entries courtesy of
Copyright on all contributions belongs to the individual authors
maintained by kathryn price theatana for big electric celt productions