friend button, from kathryn's LRY archives

LRY listings

updates and contact info for former LRYers
(taken from the housebook)

Chapter Four
April 2000 - August 2000

Carrying the Bright Flame of Spirit

Record 166
Name: susan goodstein
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: nyc, then boston, now northampton
Time: 2000-08-30 22:43:44
Comments: I just returned from a week long "yiddish camp" with yugntruf, and so I have camp on the brain (although not in english ... something more like "lager oyfn moykh"). anyway, thought I'd see what/who might be out there. I went to a few LRY conferences around 1973-75, homestead 1971-74, rowe 1975. all a long time and several incarnations ago. I've been involved in women's health for over twenty years; my first inspiration may have been the "sisters" CR group run by .....? lou and ? in 1973 or '74. I work as a nurse in a family planning clinic, and write, mostly poetry, mostly english, but some work in yiddish as well. nu?

Reply: Susan! I have deep and profound memories of your writing - the poems published in Soup, and the ones I found in the files when I inherited the job of editor in '81. Your work had a major impact on me and my girlfriends; one of whom actually did a presentation at school featuring our work (yours and mine). So glad to see you here. And thank you, all these years later, for leaving your words there for me to find. -kathryn

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Record 165
Name: Victoria Gilbert
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Milwaukee-West, now Portland, OR
Time: 2000-08-28 06:01:17
Comments: I was just looking up some old names for curiosity's sake and stumbled on all this LRY memorabilia. Amazing! seems such a long time ago. greetings!

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Record 164
Name: Kim Rogers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ct. and now Alaska
Time: 2000-08-27 05:24:46
Comments: I just stumbled upon this site after running thru some of my old conference attendance lists that I somehow saved for over 25 years. I attended Rowe camp and many CT and Mass conferences in the early 70's. Does anyone know where Greg Thomas AKA Mr.Mummer from Hamden or New Haven is these days? I remember lots of you folks and look back fondly on those days. I live in Alaska now and raised a YRUUer that is out on his own now. Anyone remember me or My brother Dan too?

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Record 163
Name: Eric Daum
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Then; Providence, RI, Now; Andover, Mass via NY
Time: 2000-08-20 21:32:41
Comments: How strange that idle curiosity and a quiet Sunday afternoon can lead you you back down a road of memories. It's great to see the names of people I haven't thought of in years. I was active in NARRI from 1974-1977 and to some degree in NERO. LRY was certainly the most important influence in my rather dismal life as an adolescent. Star Island 74, and 75 and Spring Thing 74 were pivotal events in my life. Coming from a rather opressive all boys private school, I was starving for creative and open-minded friends. LRY gave me that. A special shout out to Danny Pentlarge and Sandy Rosenberg. Hi guys. I'm now an architect specializing in the renovation and restoration of Historic Houses living North of Boston with my wife of ten years and I have a seven year old son.

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Record 162
Name: steve hinrichs
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: manhattan kansas
Time: 2000-08-20 19:01:47
Comments: i have already signed (housebook record number 70) but have a new, more permanent, e-mail address and didn't wanna miss anything should anyone care to drop a line ( hint hint ).

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Record 161
Name: Bill Stryk
Referred by: Net Search
From: Northstar and Missouri Valley '76-79
Time: 2000-08-17 23:25:41
Comments: Hello All! I was a member of NSF and MVF from '76 thru '79 I was the last of Northstar. I still have the check book in my desk (account long since closed). I was at boards in winter of '78 and summer '79. I grew up fast, had a family and have had many adventures. I always thourght that LRY was my real family. Folks that did not ridicicule, tease and make me missrable. I was the Drummer for the RETARDO'S the official punk band of LRY.

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Record 160
Name: Terry Herron
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: southampton n.j.
Time: 2000-08-17 04:11:09
Comments: How nice to hear these names again .I was in L.R.Y. in the early 70's. I'm living in New Jersey. I have three kids 15,12,10 they are amazing. I've been a paramedic for 17 years and I'm happy with that too. I would love to here hear for from the m.d.a. people again . Glen, John, Val, Bob, David all meant so much to me.....Where ya been? Let's get in touch. I did see JBBC and his wife when they sailed into Philadelphia It was a nice vistit but to short. Hello Paul. John Rosett I haven't wished Happy Birthday in years............ I hope life is being good to all of you ........Terry

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Record 159
Name: Carol Dilley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Newark DE
Time: 2000-08-10 11:06:44
Comments: I put LRY into a search engine and wound up here looking straight at the name of the old friend I was looking for. What times they were and I hope they still are for those youngins' that are keeping the home fires burning. How do I get in touch with someone in the guestbook? Carol

Reply: Hi Carol, All you have to do is click on that person's name, underlined in blue, and your web browser should pop open a window with your e-mail program. If you don't have web mail, you still may be able to see their address by moving the cursor arrow over their name - look down at the info below your browser window, and it should say "sends mail to:_______". If that doesn't do it, e-mail me: and I'll see if I can help. But if that person's name isn't in blue, it means they didn't give their address and, unless they've given me their e-mail address elsewhere, you may need to do some web-sleuthing to track them down.

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Record 158
Name: Ken Mahn
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Southern California
Time: 2000-08-04 20:58:58
Comments: Last Post had erronious Email address this one is

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Record 157
Name: Renna Komisar
Website: Unirondack
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hyattsville, MD
Time: 2000-08-04 19:01:27
Comments: Did You Ever Work at Camp Unirondack? - Do you know someone who did? A reunion for all present and former staff members is being planned for October 7 through the 9th, 2000, Columbus Day (& Canadian Thanksgiving) weekend. It is a great opportunity to see old friends, share stories and create new ones. Your help is needed to make it happen. Please send us your name, current address and year you were on staff along with your e-mail address. If you have family and friends that worked at Unirondack, please send their name and address too. Please contact Renna Komisar at and Meg Scott at

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Record 156
Name: Ken Mahn
Website: coming soon - I'll be back
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: PSLRY formerly El Monte currently near Modesto CA
Time: 2000-08-04 00:23:49
Comments: What a surprise to find this page! What a great experience LRY was for me, so many great experiences, REAL people, and tough lessons. Would LOVE make some reconnections. Drop me an E!

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Record 155
Name: Ray Kennedy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Cincinnati, OVF 1966-1970
Time: 2000-07-28 20:28:34
Comments: I want to commend you for putting this site up. I have visited before, but thought it was time to thank you for being a pioneer in putting LRY on the web.

There are rumblings of an OVF/ARF/GOD reunion sometime in summer 2001. I have volunteered to help assemble an OVF directory. If you are interested, send me an e-mail. There will be periodic updates in the LRY e-group from myself and others who are discussing this. Even if you can't/don't want to come, it would be fun to find out how everyone's life is going so far, so I'm thinking of getting some basic bio/contact info into the directory and making it available to those interested and "qualified" (I promise not to post it online publicly).

Reply: Thanks, Ray! It's been a great experience for me, too. Let us know when you have more info you want posted about the reunion.-k

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Record 154
Name: Liz Blakemore aka Dizzy Lizzy
Referred by: Net Search
From: Seattle, WA, now Vancouver, WA
Time: 2000-07-28 16:24:11
Comments: I did a search last night on "Liberal Religious Youth" and found not only a news group but also this site. This is way too cool. I was a member of LRY from 1974 to 1977 in Seattle, WA. I have a group picture of the group at Con Con in Olympia, WA 1976. I understand many that attended that conference ended up in the Seattle area, though I have lost touch with almost everyone...okay, everyone except for my dear dear friend David. I surely wonder where everyone went.

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Record 153
Name: Joe Thompson again....
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: N. Kingstown, RI
Time: 2000-07-27 21:10:40
Comments: My email is

We're having a Camp Ferry Beach Reunion Aug. 25-27 for any LRYers/Campers from 50s/60s/70s. Details at, 207-282-4489.

We are LOOKING FOR: Debbie Martel, Gene Adams, Shirley Bartlett, Sally Bennett, Elaine Boucas, Lindsey & Sue Butler, Dick & JoAnne Carlson, Charles & John Chamberlain, Cindy Davies, Claire Devlin, Ronnie Gale, Mike Glure, Mike Goldsmith, Janice & JoAnne Joslin, Carol Kirshnit, Bob Loring, Scotty'n'Dotty Meek's youth groups from Orange, Mass., Crystal Noe, Ross Pywell, Gail Reynolds, Rocky Rothwell, Betsy Schwartz, Sue Shepard, Bruce Smith, Peter Softic, Marcia Stevens, Jim Tarason, and all the other campers/LRYers whose names are faded from the address list but still burning brightly in our memory. GET IN TOUCH!! xx/jt

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Record 152
Name: Joe Thompson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: N. Kingstown, RI
Time: 2000-07-27 13:04:42
Comments: My sister Carol sent me your site info. I've got a PR blurp about the Camp Ferry Beach reunion on Aug. 25-27. Plus some pictures of old LRYers/Campers... remember Alice Harrison?? I'll send them to your email and hope you can publicize it soon enough for a few folks to join us. xx/jt

Reply: My sincere apologies over the delay in posting this - I've been swamped moving this site, and all our others, to a new server and setting up our new domains. So I'm only now getting around to updating the pages themselves. Hopefully people saw the info in the guestworld guestbook. Hope the reunion goes well! -k

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Record 151
Name: Cheryl Gilman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Morristown, NJ - now Los Angeles, CA
Time: 2000-07-21 19:58:09
Comments: I was inviolved with LRY from about 1975-1979. Went to Homestead and Rowe summer camps. After going to College in Vermont I moved to Paris for many years and only returned to the US about 5 years ago. Funny, outside the US the spirit of questioning and information sharing gains momentum every day, but upon returning to the land of the free (ahem) I found it stifled and stagnant. Result? I am about to leave a rather good job to go to Law Schol full time. Would I have gotten there without LRY? No way. The freedom and acceptance LRY allowed me to experience for a brief while was a precious gift. It stayed with me, like a seed, just waiting for the right time to be useful. I would love to hear from anyone who might remember me and want to get in touch. Love to all.

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Record 150
Name: Biddy Remick
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Originally Rochester, NY (SLUUD)
Time: 2000-07-14 19:40:27
Comments: Happy to find this gathering of names. I was involved in SLUUD district LRY activities in the early 80's. We resisted the restructuring to YRUU and kept the LRY fires burning. I was definitely into sharing affection, drugs and sex with my peers. Thank "God" we has a very safe space to do it. I'm now living in San Francisco and am a member of the radical queer activist/spiritual order "The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence". Peace to all.

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Record 149
Name: Howard Spivak
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Originally from Erie, Pa, later San Jose, CA
Time: 2000-07-11 07:03:08
Comments: I was a member of ARF from 1965 to 1967. I then moved to San Jose, CA, and joined Starr King for one year. During my years in LRY, I attended three Continental Conferences: Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY; Western College for Women in Ohio; and Santa Fe, NM. I additionally had opportunities to attend conferences in neighboring federations. I helped organize a leadership training conference during the time of my membership in the LRY Erie chapter. After moving to San Jose, I became a west coast officer for a partial term. I have had many fond memories of my experiences and of the relationships I have had, and certainly would welcome contact with those who knew me and my family, or with anyone else who would care to chat. I am married and have three children, ranging in age from 8 to 17.

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Record 148
Name: Heather Ramsay
Website: Pure Water
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Toronto, Ontario
Time: 2000-06-11 22:31:36
Comments: I'd love to hear from all Canadian LRYers and those from upper New York State, involved in LRY from 1963-1968. Also from anyone who attended Star Island in 1964.

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Record 147
Name: Captain Ohio
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Chicago, IL
Time: 2000-06-11 15:22:24
Comments: Recently moved back to Chicago. President LRY 1967-68. Member of Arlington Street Church and Participant Draft Card Turn-in 10/16/67. Father of Alexandra 11, Garrett 14. Best post-LRY defining experience of LRY Global Power. Entered Santa Monica art dealer's gallery to pick up Carla Rippey's (67 Exec Comm) unsold prints with Menlo MacFarlane (67 Exec Comm) in March of 89 or 90 and the fax machine was spitting out a fax from Ken Friedman (Prometheus editor) from Oslo, Norway. Keep the faith Baby. Captain Ohio

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Record 146
Name: Captain Ohio
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Chicago, IL
Time: 2000-06-10 20:40:37
Comments: Recently moved to Chicago, IL. Planned LRY Reunion in Long Beach, WA several years ago with Tim Cahn. Held offices in 1966-1969 in ARF & Continental. Captain Ohio

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Record 145
Name: Robin A. Bozian
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cincinnati, Ohio originally, now Cutler, Ohio between Athens and Marietta
Time: 2000-06-09 00:20:13
Comments: I was an OVFer from 1966-1970 at First Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, attended conferences, MICONs in 1967 and 1968 with OVF/ARF, OPIK in 1969 and 1970 with GOD/GODARFUL/OVF. A friend of mine from those days, Eric Hansen, from Louisville, e-mailed the site to me and I immediately found Ray Kennedy and saw some great pictures. Interested in hearing the news from anyone else from those days.

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Record 144
Name: (Jim) Arnie Hobbs
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Boulder, CO then - Seattle, WA now
Time: 2000-05-24 06:13:19
Comments: Wow! This is so great! I was in LRY from '68 to about '73 but LRY will always be in me! I have so many fond memories, and life long friends. There is a core group of us in the Seattle area who stay in touch plus a loose-nit network between Seattle and the S.F. bay area. But THIS!! What a good idea and a great resource to keep our history alive. I shall visit often. Feel free to write... Arnie

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Record 143
Name: gil brown
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Walnut Creek, CA, SF Bay Area
Time: 2000-05-21 06:23:20
Comments: I was there in the early 80's and started out with Ziggy, Jay Loftis, Bruce Gauld, Linda Nebecker, David Bragen, and What awesome advisors, Doug Strong- now a hot shot minister somewhere, Anne Tyndel, Dave Dement (now channeling info from UFO's?). I overlapped the change to UUYAN. Was at con con 79, lost virginity at GA 79. Now, I try to pass on the warmth and connection to our little group of youth in Ft. Walton Beach, Fl of all places. In fact I was at a conference just last night for these young adults- I try to impress on them just how much potential their group has for shaping who they are for the rest of their lives. Would love to hear from anybody out there.

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Record 142
Name: Rick Seelhoff
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Minneapolis, MN - now Gig Harbor, WA
Time: 2000-05-12 20:24:31
Comments: Oooooohhhhh..... I miss you guys! My goodness, what fond memories this site conjures up. I'm an old NSFer from way back - '67-'72 ([E]Speranti at Edina, Mn UU). Never missed a conference - LRYers kept me sane. Attended Camp Unistar on Star Island in the middle of Leech Lake, MN every year from '67 to '71 (oh for a cup of Stone Soup by the fire!), and a couple un-official gatherings at Dingle Dell on the banks of the mighty meandering Mississippi River, close enough to its source one can just about jump over it. But it was the folks that are most memorable. Thank you! Now I'm a dad fifteen times over. Whowuddathunkit. ~Rick

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Record 141
Name: Luke Gordon
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Brooklyn, now Orange County NY
Time: 2000-05-11 08:17:39
Comments: Geez, this is wonderful I had been hunting for anything related to Homestead, the UU camp somewhat, - that I attended back in the early 70's Then I find this site devoted to LRY. I was involved in LRY from about 1973 to 1976, in MAF here in NY, and attended conferences abound the Metro area. Then finding messages from people like Jay and Jac Ten Hove, Jac I think pierced my ear back around '74, this is very nice. I remember Billy Kates from A long time back - damn - what makes me happiest is to see that all these people are still around. These days I'm a union organizer, with two lovely daughters. Lots that I learned from LRY, still works today. Luke Gordon

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Record 140
Name: wendy hale davis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Carbondale, IL then, Austin,TX now
Time: 2000-05-02 17:24:00
Comments: I joined LRY in C'dale in 1966 when I was 14. That was the last year we were part of the federation with Chicago; after that we split and became the Missouri Illinois Federation (MIF) (St. Louis +suburbs and southern Illinois). Our LRY group was kicked out of our Fellowship in late '67 (I think) but we got our own advisor and went on meeting anyway. LRY saved me in high school. It gave me friends and things to do and places to go. I went to Camp MICon UniStar in '67 up in Leech Lake, MI (aptly named). When I was 22-3 I was an LRY advisor in Peoria, IL.

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Record 139
Name: Betsy Bouche
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Somerville MA
Time: 2000-04-30 21:52:59
Comments: Just poking around this afternoon through egroups and found LRY, which also led me to this site. I've been reading LRY stuff for at least 2 hours straight now - remembering people and events that I haven't thought about for decades. What years those were!!

I was in Mohawk Fed, Syracuse NY '68-'70 and in '67 Arlington St. Church in Boston. Went to Star Island, Ferry Beach, Unicamp, Unirondack (and I think Rowe Camp once). Scott Stutzman: I read your entry in the guestbook from last August - I don't remember you, but I sure remember the SCHTICK conference in Toronto (I had forgotten the name until I saw your posting but I think I still have at least one SCHTICK button somewhere), and I remember almost all the people you mentioned.

Anyone out there from upstate NY late 60s? Any reunions in the works (I think I'll try to attend the Boston area picnic). Gotta go now and see if I still have any old photos that I can dig up.

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Record 138
Name: Julie Farman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Boston, Massachusetts
Time: 2000-04-29 02:27:08
Comments: OH MY. These pages have kicked in so many memories...It's been a long time since I've thought about the 51st Airborne Division, the cannisters of nitrous oxide and the joy of living at Taco Villa. I was on the executive committee in 1980 (I think -- you know how it is), and it was a truly amazing experience...Nan, Amy, Gretchen, Laurel, Cheryl, Keri: are you out there somewhere? And who has the original housebooks? Kathy -- thanks for posting the photos. So many good friends that have dissolved into the past...Living in LA, working on the Net, and so delighted to have stumbled across this site.

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Record 137
Name: Georgina Rice Mirchand
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Atlanta, now San Francisco
Time: 2000-04-27 14:19:41
Comments: Thank God I met some LRYers in the nick of time! After having moved to Atlanta at age 15 and spending three long years in the 'burbs with my parents, a sequence of strange events landed me in the employment of one Roxy Trovillion, who had a son named Marc. Marc asked me out, and through him I met Susan Ragan (now Watkins) and Jim Watkins. These people, and other who I met through them, were so different from the people I had been in contact with at Chamblee High School, and I liked it! To this day, I have not met a more wonderful group of people. Hello to Eddie DesPrez, Tim Dies, Tracy, Vickie, Ellen Beattie, David Brill, Aran West, David & Gwyneth Black and many others who I knew briefly and have not kept in touch with. I hope to come to Nashville for the reunion. And thanks to Susan Buis for organizing! Georgina Rice Mirchand

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Record 136
Name: michael hennon
Referred by: Net Search
From: St. Louis
Time: 2000-04-24 16:15:01
Comments: omygod, I cannot believe you people did this! Be prepared! BTW, have I got a "where are they now" story to tell you all someday. I came to this site because I am engaged to be married to Laura West (Knoll), from the Oak Park UU Church LRY in Chicago. We first met at Camp Unistar in 1967. We're trying to go back there again this summer. omygod, gotta go, or i'll never leave. glad to read about it all again.

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Record 135
Name: Barbara Holmes(Baba)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Alexandria, Va. originally, then Massachusettes, for the last 15 years Brooklyn,N.Y.
Time: 2000-04-19 01:54:24
Comments: I don't have a lot to say about the LRY days. I think I was in LRY from about 1974-79 off and on in the mid-atlantic area. I ran (with help from Brian Clauss and other friends) Triangle conferences in the late 70's. I was in COG in the 80's. I met a lot of great people then who have been major influences in my life. Any one who knew me then, please e-mail me, let's get in touch.

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Record 134
Name: Paul Thomas Evans
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Columbus, OH (originally Marietta, OH)
Time: 2000-04-15 17:56:49
Comments: Happily married, with an active 2.5 year old girl, studying to be a librarian here in Columbus. Church secretary and newsletter editor at First UU in Marietta, OH while still a teen and in LRY; lived in "Mecca" (i.e., Boston) for two years in early '80s. Love to hear from old friends and the ones I haven't met. My wife is an actress, and I'm a data-entry operator at a mail-order pharmacy. And if you're ever in Columbus...

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Record 132
Name: Nick Blanton
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Shepherdstown, WV
Time: 2000-04-14 01:20:49
Comments: I was in the Nashville TN LRY back in the early 70's. I now exist as a craftsperson here in WV, married, one 10 yr old son, and though self-employment has it's downside at least I can tune in the Washington DC traffic reports and feel better. I have fond, probably erroneous memories of Frogmore, especially very late at night outside. And the day that several of us bought a bucket of oysters from some gentlemen of color in a rowboat, had steamed them in a section of old gutter over a fire of woodscraps, and with a bottle of hotsauce were most of the way through when a girl came over and said, you know, you get hepatitis from those. Steve, if you're out there, I survived, man....

Record 131
Name: Ed Inman
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Jackson, Miss.
Time: 2000-04-13 03:45:45
Comments: Nice to see so many old friends from the south (and north and west and everywhere else) check in.

We had our own youth group unlike any other! That we elected our own board and executive committee was and remains meaningful to me. Too bad the winds shifted toward more institutional control. Barbara is right in saying that the 77-78 executive committee did a tremendous job in holding the organization together against impossible odds, just as others did who followed them.

Today I work as a free lance newspaper reporter and photographer and a letterpress printer. I also rent out jukeboxes and movie ojectors and work at local and regional film festivals on the side. You will always be in my thoughts. Write me sometime!

Ed Inman 1977-80

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Record 130
Name: Barbara Dykes
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Jacksonville, Fla then; Lopez Island, WA now
Time: 2000-04-11 08:31:47
Comments: Wow, what a blast from the past. LRY seems so many eons ago, yet thinking back on those times brings such poignant memories.

I was in LRY from 1974 to 1978 -- from Sunco-- "Sunco brings the sunshine into our lives" was our motto. I also like to think of myself as an honorary LSDer, since I did quite a bit of driving to Huntsville, Nashville, and Atlanta to LSD conferences when my mother thought I was going to Gainesville for the weekend. I spent alot of time cavorting around with the Kersting brothers (Mark and John), my dearest buddy Kym Trippsmith (who always proudly claims she introduced me to LRY), Susan Buis, Bob Dargel, John Rosett, Mark Anthony, and oh so many more. I was an LRY Taco the year the south went to Boston (77-78) and was in the midst of the crisis over the SCOYP report.

I have since become a Greener (graduate of the Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA -- also known as the place where old LRYers went for more LRY type experiences in a college format), a land use lawyer, and a wife and mother of three little boys (Jack, Sam and Will). Life is full of twists and turns. I have recently moved to Lopez Island in the San Juan Islands north of Seattle, where we own a 33-acre farm. Have never yet made it to one of the Orcas conferences, but now I have absolutely no excuse. Anyone know when the next one is? I've probably dropped off the mailing list.

It's marvelous to see there are people out there who remember the same things I do and feel the same impact that LRY had on my life. It was times of unbelievable hysteria, high times, low times, spirituality, and the essence of life. My first conference was Continental '74 in North Carolina, and I remember so well watching Nixon resign on the TV set there with a roomful of LRYers cheering. Probably no better place to be on the entire planet. I have very fond memories of summer Tri-fed at Camp Betty Hastings in North Carolina, wonderful Frogmore, and some harried and strange continental conferences -- particularly the Continental 1977 in Massachusetts after John Beebe-Center had found Susan Buis and I on an ashram in Pennsylvania and convinced us to come run for the Taco-ship.

That year in Boston was intense both in the amount of heart and soul I put into LRY, and the introduction to the northeast, after being a teenager in suburban Florida. Susan, Shelley, Abby and I worked really hard to keep LRY afloat that year -- it was definitely on the way down and damn it if we refused to be the Exec Comm that let it die!!! We did our best, and I do think we breathed a little more life into it than it might have otherwise had.

Thanks to Kathryn for re-uniting us over the wires -- where our far flung community can connect again. LRY was a rare and special thing in a strip-mall world and we all knew it -- then and now. And it was a great party. Tell me John Beebe-Center -- did the Dead ever make it to Continental?

I'd love to hear from you folks out in cyberspace, and we have lots of room up here on beautiful Lopez Island if anyone wants to stop by . . . . Love, Barbara

Reply: Thank you, Barbara and co, for keeping LRY afloat long enough for my generation to find it (and go through a similar journey... though by then the Good Ship Continental was taking on much water). I have heard mighty tales of your impressive battles. Thanks for fighting the good fight. --kathryn

ps -- Paul Pigman says hi, too.

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Record 129
Name: Mark Anthony
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Huntspatch, but the road is my home
Time: 2000-04-11 07:21:36
Comments: Well you can drop me off on Peachtree, I got to feel that Georgia sun! LRY / LSD 'er here. This sight has opened the gates to a flood of memories all good and warm. I used to work to travel, now I travel for work. I have managed to stay in touch with a few friends over the years and touch bases whenever I come to town. I did ski in Seattle this year with Kersting, and I managed to ski a few times over the years with Elrod in Denver. The 12 strings a lot older now but the notes ring out as brightly and sweetly as ever, maybe a touch mellower. I'd like to think the same could be said about me. Thanks for the tip Suebee

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Record 128
Name: Jim Watkins
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Nashville then, Rome GA now
Time: 2000-04-04 14:24:51
Comments: Hey this is cool! The mid-seventies southern faction is weighing in now!!

I suspect Susan Buis is the culprit behind this surge of postings from the LSDers I knew way back when. Way to go, Susan! Another Susan (formerly Ragan) and I are hiding out at Berry College, a little private liberal arts college in Rome, GA, where we live on campus with our two boys, WIll (age 12) and Sam (age 7). I teach southern literature and other stuff here, Susan works in town in the laboratory of the regional hospital, and we have made a nice life for ourselves. (One of the big plusses is that Berry has the largest campus in the world--27,000 acres!!--with lots of single-track mountain biking trails that criss-cross the beautiful foothills of the Georgia mountians.)

Hard to believe, but we'll be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this summer. Our lives are very full, too damned full on occasion, but that doesn't keep us from missing our old LRY buds. Give us a holler and let us know you're out there. We'd love to catch up.

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Record 127
Name: Ellen Beattie
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Atlanta, then - Bogotá, Colombia now
Time: 2000-04-04 06:11:01
Comments: I was an LSDler (that´s Lower Southern District, but, yes, the pun´s intended) out of Atlanta in the mid to late seventies. Our claims to fame were the Frogmore conferences so many have mentioned here, Susan Buis´s giant leap into bigitme LRY politics in Boston and someone´s brownie recipe.

To me LRY was an escape from impinging normalcy. I was in great fear of becoming a nerd, what with my straight A´s and all (talk about embarassing!). I didn´t realize then that the quailty of Atlanta Public Schools at the time was such that I could have slept my way through high school and still gotten into the Beta Club. Anyway, I desperately needed something other than a Pep Rally with mascots and cheerleaders to tell me I was alive. LRY was the ticket. I was enlightened to such matters as the fact that Huntsville AL and Nashville TN were hip ´n groovy places, not hicksville, as ignorance had led me to believe. Our Deep South held many a treasure.

Throughout my LRY days my heart was always a´swell with love. I´m feeling connected to that again right now. How nice.

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Record 126
Name: Tracy Drennon--then, now--Johnston
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Nashville, TN
Time: 2000-04-03 23:56:29
Comments: Wow!! It is real!! How excited I am to find you and the names of persons I knew through the early to mid 70's out of the southern districts of LRY.

What an incredible experience to participate in such a wonderful organization for teens and young adults in learning about what life could and could not be. What memorable magic those days were.

I travel to Charleston SC often and make it a point to visit FROGMORE and embrace those wonderful times. If those walls could talk. Oh yea and does anybody know where Peter L., Alfredo T. or David L. out of Miami is?

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Record 125
Name: Robin Stubbs
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Atlanta then, Austin now
Time: 2000-04-02 18:46:00
Comments: I joined LRY at absolutely the minimum age, 14, in 1975 after a couple of years in JR. LRY. I worshipped the older members who undoubtedly found me quite a pest. I dragged in Lucia Burgess and Ellen Beattie to keep me company.

I discovered at my very first conference the way to stay right in the middle of everything that was going on was to stay in the kitchen. I washed a lot of dishes at that Atlanta get together and went on to produce potato pancakes in bed for the whole group one New Years a couple of years later. I vividly remember that kitchen, but don't remember where it was. Time to get out the Photo albums.

I am still cooking now. My husband and I own a general aviation catering business. We've been feeding the rich and famous for ten years now. Nope, I don't get to meet them, just touch their food. I have THREE boys, 7, 3 and little baby oopsie just three weeks (and crying now). Love to all, Robin

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chapter one
Sep.'98 - Sep.'99
chapter two
Oct.'99 - Nov.'99
chapter three
Dec.'99 - Mar.'00
chapter four
Apr.'00 - Aug.'00
chapter five
Aug.'00 - Present

Editor's note

The above is a more permanent record of the entries in our guestworld guestbook (aka The Housebook). Some people have had trouble accessing the guestworld site, so I'll be regularly uploading the entries here, as well.

If you don't have a webpage yourself (or even if you do), but have jpeg or gif images you'd like to include with your comments, send them along and I'll post them here. To immediately add your thoughts, links, etc. to our housebook, go here. If you can't access that site, e-mail your comments to me and I'll upload your messages directly onto this page. To write a private message directly to one of the authors above, simply click on their underlined, blue name in the opening of their message.

If you don't know your e-mail address, but would like others to be able to contact you, click here. A box should pop up on your screen. Simply fill in what you want to say and paul or I will decipher it and help you figure out your e-mail issues.

Happy ranting, happy re-connecting, glad to see you all.

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Original format of housebook entries courtesy of Guestbook by GuestWorld
Copyright on all contributions belongs to the individual authors
Site maintained by kathryn price theatana for big electric celt productions
Updated 5.14.2000